asiangamesvietnam| Listed companies hit record dividends last year

editor2024-05-27 14:32:1433Academia

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asiangamesvietnam| Listed companies hit record dividends last year

To the annual dividend season, a number of listed companies are intensively cashing in last year's cash dividends.

On the evening of May 26, 18 listed companies, including Conbey, Jiazawa Xinneng, Marubeni and Xinri shares, issued an announcement on the implementation of dividends in 2023. Among them, seven have paid more than 100 million yuan in dividends, nine have paid more than 50 percent of their dividends, and two have paid dividends twice last year.

Cash dividend as an important way for listed companies to return to investors, from the revision of the dividend guidelines of listed companies last year to the new "National Nine articles", all emphasize the need to strengthen cash dividend. ExceptAsiangamesvietnamIn addition to encouraging listed companies to actively participate in dividends, increasing the proportion of dividends and increasing the frequency of dividends, listed companies that do not meet the dividend standards will also implement strong ST regulatory measures. In addition, dividend indicators also affect the reduction of shareholders' holdings.

With the implementation of a series of policies, the dividend enthusiasm of listed companies has also been improved. On the whole, the amount of dividends last year reached a three-year high, while the number of listed companies paying interim dividends is also increasing.

According to the data of the Association of listed companies, as of early May, 3859 listed companies had announced or implemented cash dividend plans for 2023, accounting for 92% of all profitable companies.Asiangamesvietnam.24 trillion yuan, of which 30 companies paid dividends of more than 10 billion yuan.

From the perspective of dividend frequency, last year 254 companies disclosed their quarterly and semi-annual dividend plans in 2023, with a significant increase over the previous year.

According to Wind data, more than 100 listed companies have disclosed dividend plans in 10 provinces, and the number and scale of dividends of listed companies in many places increased last year.

The reporter learned that 543 companies in Jiangsu have disclosed cash dividend plans for 2023, an increase of 13% over the same period last year.Asiangamesvietnam.4%, dividend companies accounted for 78%; the total amount of proposed cash dividends reached 102.94 billion yuan, an increase of 15.8% over the same period last year. Among them, 70% of the company cash dividend ratio of more than 30% of the 393 cash dividend ratio achieved positive growth over the same period last year.

With the disclosure of the dividend plan coming to an end, listed companies are intensively implementing dividends at this stage. According to Wind data, as of May 26, more than 1100 A-share listed companies have implemented 2023 cash dividends, with a total annual cash dividend of about 300 billion yuan, and there are more than 2600 listed companies waiting to implement dividends, of which more than 2000 have been approved by the shareholders' meeting.

Among the listed companies that have implemented dividends, both Ningde Times and Midea have paid dividends of more than 20 billion yuan, and more than 50 have paid dividends of more than 1 billion yuan.

From the perspective of sub-jurisdiction, at present, hundreds of companies in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shenzhen and Guangdong have implemented cash dividends, including 177 in Zhejiang, 156 in Jiangsu, 123 in Shenzhen and 119 in Guangdong. In terms of total annual dividends, including Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai and other places are more than 10 billion.

The new "National Nine articles" also proposes to increase incentives for high-quality dividend companies, take more measures to increase the dividend yield, enhance the stability, sustainability and predictability of dividends, and promote multiple dividends in a year, pre-dividends, and dividends before the Spring Festival.

Recently, a number of listed companies have announced the interim dividend arrangement for 2024, which is called simplifying the interim dividend procedure. The board of directors of the company intends to seek approval from the general meeting of shareholders of the company for authorization, subject to the conditions of the company's operation and profit distribution, to formulate the interim dividend plan for 2024 according to the situation.

Among them, in the Jiangsu area, while disclosing the 2023 dividend plan, nearly 50 companies have disclosed the 2024 interim dividend arrangement. Last year, 36 companies in the area implemented interim or quarterly dividends, with a dividend amount of 5.12 billion yuan.

The reporter learned that in the future, Jiangsu Securities Regulatory Bureau will also continue to guide companies within its jurisdiction to fully understand the importance of increasing dividends, accurately grasp policy requirements, and improve the level of cash dividends. At the same time, strengthen the supervision of cash dividends, remind companies to make reasonable dividends in the light of profitability and cash flow, formulate sustainable dividend policies, improve the stability of medium-and long-term dividends, and prevent abnormal dividend behavior from being misunderstood by investors.

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